Constantly Unveiling New and Exciting Events!

Welcome to Pineapple Picasso, where creativity knows no bounds and excitement is always in the air! As the calendar flips to its new page, we guarantee an exhilarating lineup that will leave you captivated and eagerly awaiting what's to come.

We have a sale coming! Shop the store to find discounts off of all of our art our amazing artists create!

Pineapple Picasso is so proud to offer a painting class for this event celebrating the Grand Opening of the Yucatan Waterfront! You’ll get an 8x10 canvas with a preprinted canvas of the Yucatan logo, paint, brushes, and a waterfront view! RSVP for the event at!

We have the best birthday package in the Cape! You can even order IL Primo Pizza for you event at the checkout! Book your party right online!